What are trading halts?
Trading halts, delays, or suspensions are when FINRA, SEC, or the exchange on which the symbol is listed freezes or stops all trading for a specific period, typically less than an hour. Trading halts can occur for a variety of reasons. More information is available from FINRA, SEC, or by directly searching for the exchanges’ trading halt parameters.
How does DAS handle market data during a trading halt?
DAS does not handle market data during a trading halt differently than it normally does because no data should be coming in during the halt. If there is a print in the time and sales, DAS will display this data normally. New trade data may be shown during a trading halt due to an out of sequence print or a violation of the trading halt.
How does DAS handle orders during a trading halt?
Market orders: Market orders already sent to a route will be handled according to that route’s policy. New market orders will be rejected by the DAS smart router until trading resumes.
Limit orders: Limit orders already sent to a route will be handled according to that route’s policy. Contact your broker, who may contact the route, for further information on this situation. New limit orders will be rejected by the DAS smart router until trading resumes.
Stop orders: Stop orders already sent to a route will be handled according to that route’s policy. Stop orders already sent to DAS’s smart router will trigger normally after trading resumes. New stop orders will be rejected by the DAS smart router until trading resumes.
What information does DAS display during a trading halt?
DAS Trader Pro will display a message in the trading montage about the trading halt. Not all information is available for each trading halt. The countdown to end of the trading pause is only displayed for pauses due to volatility.