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Why is it so crucial to practice simulation trading before live trading, and how long should one practice for before going live?

Individuals across the nation and across the world work very hard to earn an income, pay bills, pay a mortgage, pay for children, etc., but what is even harder is to put aside for savings. And when that savings account gets to be a certain amount – large or small – who doesn’t think about wanting to invest it and potentially double it, maybe even triple it, in the lucrative world of investing?  And that is possible! So while we at DasTrader.com are an elite stock trading software company and very much want your interest and business, there are a few tips to consider when getting involved, as your success is ultimately ours as well:

practice 2  First and foremost, practice, practice, practice!  In order to be successful at trading stocks, one has to become experienced with how to trade first.  There is so much involved with trading stocks that one has to learn how they behave, and also how to deal with loss.  Stocks go up and down inevitably, that is their nature.  So by practicing in a real simulated environment where you can invest in those companies you believe will go up or down (depending on your strategy), you will be able to see just how well your strategy works before putting your hard earned capital into the markets. 

 In order to help our clients become more successful, we offer free educational resources which include a series of YouTube videos to help you become proficient with using the software and which you can find by going to https://www.youtube.com/user/dastradertv.  In addition, we offer FREE live webinars: Intro to DAS every Wednesday 4:00PM-5:00PM EST (GMT-5:00) with educators covering a variety of topics and time available to ask questions at the end.  Please click the link http://www.dastrader.com/form-webinar.php to register for our regular weekly webinar, or to request a one on one session. Time slots available for one on one sessions are weekdays 12:00-16:00 EST. (GMT-5:00).practice

 Additionally, there are the technical aspects of trading, i.e. what to trade: what type of trader are you?  Are you a day trader, a swing trader, position trader…? The list goes on.  (And, in another article we will cover in greater depth the differences between them).  But again, by using the simulation mode you are allowing yourself the time and practice to figure out which strategy works best for you.  (For a brief look at the differences between the aforementioned trading strategies, check out: https://www.bigoption.com/blog/active-trading/).  

Lastly, how long before you’re ready? Experienced traders will tell you that it does take between 6-12 months (sometimes more) of training before you are ready to go live.  So if you are serious about wanting to double or triple that savings account, consider practicing first.  For more information about subscribing for a simulation account, or for first time users with permission for a free 14-day trial, visit www.dastrader.com and click on the “Subscribe” link.  
